Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Weight: 159.8
Loss: 0.6

Progress! Finally down in the 150's. Small losses add up, right? I also made GREAT progress with regard to packing and cleaning over the weekend. I'm talking hours. In fact, on Sunday I started cleaning/packing Sunday at about 11am and didn't stop until nearly midnight. I was BEAT but it felt great. Don't ask me where all my energy is coming from but I've been like an energy bunny on crack. Must be the exercising over the last few months.

I believe I haven't had more of a weight loss for two reasons:

1. I've been eating on the run, which doesn't mean good food choices.
2. I haven't been drinking enough water by a long shot.

But, I'm doing better with it today. Just one day at a time. I've even been tracking my calories again, yay me.

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